Scholars on Bilbao


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List of articles that restrict their focus to Bilbao
List of articles that cite, in their broader topic, the case of Bilbao
ZULAIKA, JOSEBA2004In love with Puppy: Flowers, architecture, art, and the art of irony.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IBERIAN STUDIES, 16(3): 145–158.Open Abstract
VICARIO L, MONJE PMM2003Another 'Guggenheim effect'? The generation of a potentially gentrifiable neighbourhood in BilbaoURBAN STUDIES 40 (12): 2383-2400Open Abstract
VICARIO L, MARTINEZ MONJE, M2004Another "Guggenheim Effect": Central City Projects and Gentrification in Bilbao.ATKINSON, BRIDGE EDS (2004): Gentrification in a Global Context: The New Urban Colonialism. Routledge.Open Abstract
STOILAS, HELEN2006Basques will not recoup Guggenheim investments until 2010.THE ART NEWSPAPER Issue 172, 1.9.2006.Open Abstract
SIEMIATYCKI, M2006Return to the Rails: The Motivations for Building a Modern Tramway in Bilbao Spain.OXFORD UNIVERSITY: GEOGRAPHY RESEARCH PAPER SERIES.Open Abstract
SIEMIATYCKI, M2005Beyond Moving People: Excavating the Motivations for Investing in Urban Public Transit Infrastructure in Bilbao Spain.EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES 13 (1): 23-44Open Abstract
RODRIGUEZ, ARANTXA2002Reinventar la ciudad: Milagros y espejismos de la revitalización urbana en Bilbao. LAN HARREMANAK 6:69-108.Open Abstract
RODRIGUEZ A, VICARIO L2005Innovación, Competitividad y Regeneración Urbana: los espacios retóricos de la "ciudad creativa" en el nuevo Bilbao.EKONOMIAZ 58: 262-295.Open Abstract
RODRIGUEZ A, MARTINEZ E, GUENAGA G2001Uneven redevelopment - New urban policies and socio-spatial fragmentation in metropolitan BilbaoEUROPEAN URBAN AND REGIONAL STUDIES 8 (2): 161-178Open Abstract
PRYTHERCH DL, HUNTOON L2005Entrepreneurial regionalist planning in a rescaled Spain: The cases Bilbao and Valencia.GEOJOURNAL 62: 41–50.Open Abstract
PLÖGER, JÖRG2007Bilbao. City Report.CASE [Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion]. An ESRC Research Centre. London School of Economics.Open Abstract
PLAZA, BEATRIZ1999The Guggenheim‐Bilbao Museum Effect: A Reply to María V. Gomez’‘Reflective Images: The Case of Urban Regeneration in Glasgow and Bilbao’.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH 23 (3): 589-592Open Abstract
PLAZA, BEATRIZ2000Evaluating the influence of a large cultural artifact in the attraction of tourism: The Guggenheim Museum Case.URBAN AFFAIRS REVIEW 36 (2): 264-274Open Abstract
PLAZA, BEATRIZ2007The Bilbao Effect.MUSEUM NEWS, Sept/Oct 2007, pp. 13-15, 68. American Association of Museums. Open Abstract
PLAZA, BEATRIZ2006The return on investment of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH, 30(2): 452-67.Open Abstract
PLAZA, BEATRIZ2008On Some Challenges and Conditions for the Guggenheim to be an Effective Economic Re-activator.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH, 32(2): 506–517.Open Abstract
PLAZA, B., GONZÁLEZ-CASIMIRO, P., MORAL-ZUAZO, P., & WALDRON, C. 2015Culture-led city brands as economic engines: theory and empirics.ANNALS OF REGIONAL SCIENCE, 54(1), 179-196.Open Abstract
PLAZA, B., & HAARICH, S. N.2015The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao: Between regional embeddedness and global networking.EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES, 23(8), 1456-1475.Open Abstract
PLAZA, B and HAARICH, SN2009Museums for urban regeneration? Exploring conditions for their effectiveness.JOURNAL OF URBAN REGENERATION AND RENEWAL 2(3): 259-271.Open Abstract
PLAZA, B and HAARICH, SN2013The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao: Between regional embeddedness and global networking.EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES, (ahead-of-print), 1-20.Open Abstract
PLAZA, B2011Google Analytics for measuring website performance.TOURISM MANAGEMENT, 32(3): 477-481.Open Abstract
PLAZA B, TIRONI M, HAARICH SN2009Bilbao's Art Scene and the 'Guggenheim effect' Revisited.EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES 17(11): 1711-1729.Open Abstract
PLAZA B, GALVEZ-GALVEZ C and GONZALEZ-FLORES A 2013Urban regeneration and knowledge-intensive services.PROCEEDINGS OF THE ICE-MUNICIPAL ENGINEER, 166(4), 257-264.Open Abstract
PLAZA B, GALVEZ GALVEZ C, GONZALEZ-FLORES A, MAS SERRA E.2010Arte y Economía, un matrimonio de conveniencia: el Museo Guggenheim en Bilbao. [Art and the Economy, a marriage of convenience: The Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao].SCRIPTA NOVA XIV(335)Open Abstract
McNEILL, DONALD2000McGuggenisation? National identity and globalisation in the Basque country.POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY 19 (4): 473-494Open Abstract
MAS SERRA, ELIAS2005El urbanismo del período desarrollista en las capitales vascas.EUSKO IKASKUNTZA 50(2): 443-491.Open Abstract
MAS SERRA, ELIAS2010¿Plan Estrategico o estrategia para un discurso?: El caso de Bilbao. [Strategic plan or a strategy for a discourse?: The case of Bilbao].SCRIPTA NOVA XIV(328)Open Abstract
MAS SERRA, E2009Ciudad: Identidad y rankings [City: identity and rankings].REVISTA EURE 35(106): 29-49.Open Abstract
MAS SERRA, E2009Actitudes respecto a la ordenacion territorial en Bilbao, Bizkaia y el Pais Vasco.BOLETIN DE LA A.G.E. 50: 459-464.Open Abstract
MACCLANCY, JEREMY1997The museum as a site of contest: The Bilbao Guggenheim.FOCAAL 29: 91-100.Open Abstract
KEATING M, DE FRANTZ, M2004Culture-led strategies for urban regeneration: A comparative perspective on Bilbao.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IBERIAN STUDIES, 16(3): 187–194.Open Abstract
HAARICH, SILKE N.2006Bilbaos Wandel auf Karten und Plänen. Über die Funktionen von Stadtplänen und Karten in einer sich regenerierenden Industriestadt.RAUMPLANUNG 124Open Abstract
HAARICH, S. und PLAZA, B.2010"Das Guggenheim-Museum von Bilbao als Symbol für erfolgreichen Wandel - Legende und Wirklichkeit" in "Symbolische Orte - Planerische (De)-Konstruktionen".Reihe Planungsrundschau Nr. 19. Hrsg.: U. Altrock, S. Huning, T. Kuder, H. Nuissl, D. Peters. Berlin. 2010 Open Abstract
GONZALEZ-PULIDO F, VAGGIONE P, ACKLEY LA [S. N. POLLALIS]2002Managing the construction of the Museo Guggenheim Bilbao (B).HARVARD DESIGN SCHOOL: Center for Design Informatics.Open Abstract
GONZALEZ, SARA2004The role of the Guggenheim Museum in the development of urban entrepreneurial practices in Bilbao.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IBERIAN STUDIES, 16(3): 177–186.Open Abstract
GONZALEZ, SARA2006Scalar Narratives in Bilbao: A Cultural Politics of Scales Approach to the Study of Urban Policy.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH, 30(4): 836–57.Open Abstract
GONZÁLEZ S 2011Bilbao and Barcelona ‘in motion’. How urban regeneration ‘models’ travel and mutate in the global flows of policy tourism.URBAN STUDIES, 48(7), 1397-1418.Open Abstract
GOMEZ-URANGA M, ETXEBARRIA G2000Panorama of the Basque Country and its competence for self-governmentEUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES 8 (4): 521-535Open Abstract
GOMEZ, M VICTORIA1998Reflective images: The case of urban regeneration in Glasgow and BilbaoINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH 22 (1): 106-121Open Abstract
GOMEZ MV, GONZALEZ S2001A reply to Beatriz Plaza's 'The Guggenheim-Bilbao Museum effect'INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH 25 (4): 898-900Open Abstract
ESTEBAN, MARISOL2000Bilbao, luces y sombras del titanio: El proceso de regeneración del Bilbao metropolitano.SERVICIO EDITORIAL. UNIVERSIDAD DEL PAÍS VASCO. 264 p.Open Abstract
ELLIS, ADRIAN2007A franchise model for the few-very few.THE ART NEWSPAPER, Issue 184, 1.10.07Open Abstract
DEL CASTILLO J, HAARICH SN2004Urban renaissance, arts and culture: the Bilbao region as an innovative milieu.Camagni, Roberto; Maillat, Denis and Matteaccioli, Andrée (eds.): Ressources naturelles et culturelles, milieux et développement local. (GREMI VI). Institut de recherches économiques et regionales IREOpen Abstract
BROOKSBANK, ANNY2004Challenging the seductions of the Bilbao Guggenheim.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IBERIAN STUDIES, 16(3): 159–165.Open Abstract
BANIOTOPOULOU, EVDOXIA2001Art for whose sake? Modern art museums and their role in transforming societies: The case of the Guggenheim Bilbao.JOURNAL OF CONSERVATION AND MUSEUM STUDIES, 7: 1-15.Open Abstract
BADESCU B2008Steel-Town Makeover: Evaluating Urban Regeneration Policy in Sheffield and Bilbao.EUROPEAN CITY.Open Abstract
ARRUTI, NEREA2004Reflecting Basqueness: Bilbao from mausoleum to museum.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IBERIAN STUDIES, 16(3): 167–175.Open Abstract
ARANBURU I, PLAZA B, ESTEBAN M 2020Identification of central urban attractions based on GPS tracking data and network analysis. Identificación de atracciones urbanas centrales mediante seguimiento GPS y análisis de redes.BOLETIN DE LA ASOCIACION DE GEOGRAFOS ESPANOLES, (84).Open Abstract
APARICIO G AND CHARTERINA J 2014The integration of culture and commerce for sustainable urban regeneration in the neighbourhoods of Bilbao La Vieja, San Francisco and Zabala (Bilbao).JOURNAL OF URBAN REGENERATION AND RENEWAL, 8(1), 52-65.Open Abstract
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