Scholars on Bilbao


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List of articles that restrict their focus to Bilbao
List of articles that cite, in their broader topic, the case of Bilbao
APARICIO G AND CHARTERINA J 2014The integration of culture and commerce for sustainable urban regeneration in the neighbourhoods of Bilbao La Vieja, San Francisco and Zabala (Bilbao).JOURNAL OF URBAN REGENERATION AND RENEWAL, 8(1), 52-65.Open Abstract
ARANBURU I, PLAZA B, ESTEBAN M 2020Identification of central urban attractions based on GPS tracking data and network analysis. Identificación de atracciones urbanas centrales mediante seguimiento GPS y análisis de redes.BOLETIN DE LA ASOCIACION DE GEOGRAFOS ESPANOLES, (84).Open Abstract
ARRUTI, NEREA2004Reflecting Basqueness: Bilbao from mausoleum to museum.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IBERIAN STUDIES, 16(3): 167–175.Open Abstract
BADESCU B2008Steel-Town Makeover: Evaluating Urban Regeneration Policy in Sheffield and Bilbao.EUROPEAN CITY.Open Abstract
BANIOTOPOULOU, EVDOXIA2001Art for whose sake? Modern art museums and their role in transforming societies: The case of the Guggenheim Bilbao.JOURNAL OF CONSERVATION AND MUSEUM STUDIES, 7: 1-15.Open Abstract
BROOKSBANK, ANNY2004Challenging the seductions of the Bilbao Guggenheim.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IBERIAN STUDIES, 16(3): 159–165.Open Abstract
DEL CASTILLO J, HAARICH SN2004Urban renaissance, arts and culture: the Bilbao region as an innovative milieu.Camagni, Roberto; Maillat, Denis and Matteaccioli, Andrée (eds.): Ressources naturelles et culturelles, milieux et développement local. (GREMI VI). Institut de recherches économiques et regionales IREOpen Abstract
ELLIS, ADRIAN2007A franchise model for the few-very few.THE ART NEWSPAPER, Issue 184, 1.10.07Open Abstract
ESTEBAN, MARISOL2000Bilbao, luces y sombras del titanio: El proceso de regeneración del Bilbao metropolitano.SERVICIO EDITORIAL. UNIVERSIDAD DEL PAÍS VASCO. 264 p.Open Abstract
GOMEZ MV, GONZALEZ S2001A reply to Beatriz Plaza's 'The Guggenheim-Bilbao Museum effect'INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH 25 (4): 898-900Open Abstract
GOMEZ, M VICTORIA1998Reflective images: The case of urban regeneration in Glasgow and BilbaoINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH 22 (1): 106-121Open Abstract
GOMEZ-URANGA M, ETXEBARRIA G2000Panorama of the Basque Country and its competence for self-governmentEUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES 8 (4): 521-535Open Abstract
GONZÁLEZ S 2011Bilbao and Barcelona ‘in motion’. How urban regeneration ‘models’ travel and mutate in the global flows of policy tourism.URBAN STUDIES, 48(7), 1397-1418.Open Abstract
GONZALEZ, SARA2004The role of the Guggenheim Museum in the development of urban entrepreneurial practices in Bilbao.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IBERIAN STUDIES, 16(3): 177–186.Open Abstract
GONZALEZ, SARA2006Scalar Narratives in Bilbao: A Cultural Politics of Scales Approach to the Study of Urban Policy.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH, 30(4): 836–57.Open Abstract
GONZALEZ-PULIDO F, VAGGIONE P, ACKLEY LA [S. N. POLLALIS]2002Managing the construction of the Museo Guggenheim Bilbao (B).HARVARD DESIGN SCHOOL: Center for Design Informatics.Open Abstract
HAARICH, S. und PLAZA, B.2010"Das Guggenheim-Museum von Bilbao als Symbol für erfolgreichen Wandel - Legende und Wirklichkeit" in "Symbolische Orte - Planerische (De)-Konstruktionen".Reihe Planungsrundschau Nr. 19. Hrsg.: U. Altrock, S. Huning, T. Kuder, H. Nuissl, D. Peters. Berlin. 2010 Open Abstract
HAARICH, SILKE N.2006Bilbaos Wandel auf Karten und Plänen. Über die Funktionen von Stadtplänen und Karten in einer sich regenerierenden Industriestadt.RAUMPLANUNG 124Open Abstract
KEATING M, DE FRANTZ, M2004Culture-led strategies for urban regeneration: A comparative perspective on Bilbao.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IBERIAN STUDIES, 16(3): 187–194.Open Abstract
MACCLANCY, JEREMY1997The museum as a site of contest: The Bilbao Guggenheim.FOCAAL 29: 91-100.Open Abstract
MAS SERRA, E2009Ciudad: Identidad y rankings [City: identity and rankings].REVISTA EURE 35(106): 29-49.Open Abstract
MAS SERRA, E2009Actitudes respecto a la ordenacion territorial en Bilbao, Bizkaia y el Pais Vasco.BOLETIN DE LA A.G.E. 50: 459-464.Open Abstract
MAS SERRA, ELIAS2005El urbanismo del período desarrollista en las capitales vascas.EUSKO IKASKUNTZA 50(2): 443-491.Open Abstract
MAS SERRA, ELIAS2010¿Plan Estrategico o estrategia para un discurso?: El caso de Bilbao. [Strategic plan or a strategy for a discourse?: The case of Bilbao].SCRIPTA NOVA XIV(328)Open Abstract
McNEILL, DONALD2000McGuggenisation? National identity and globalisation in the Basque country.POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY 19 (4): 473-494Open Abstract
PLAZA B, GALVEZ GALVEZ C, GONZALEZ-FLORES A, MAS SERRA E.2010Arte y Economía, un matrimonio de conveniencia: el Museo Guggenheim en Bilbao. [Art and the Economy, a marriage of convenience: The Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao].SCRIPTA NOVA XIV(335)Open Abstract
PLAZA B, GALVEZ-GALVEZ C and GONZALEZ-FLORES A 2013Urban regeneration and knowledge-intensive services.PROCEEDINGS OF THE ICE-MUNICIPAL ENGINEER, 166(4), 257-264.Open Abstract
PLAZA B, TIRONI M, HAARICH SN2009Bilbao's Art Scene and the 'Guggenheim effect' Revisited.EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES 17(11): 1711-1729.Open Abstract
PLAZA, B2011Google Analytics for measuring website performance.TOURISM MANAGEMENT, 32(3): 477-481.Open Abstract
PLAZA, B and HAARICH, SN2009Museums for urban regeneration? Exploring conditions for their effectiveness.JOURNAL OF URBAN REGENERATION AND RENEWAL 2(3): 259-271.Open Abstract
PLAZA, B and HAARICH, SN2013The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao: Between regional embeddedness and global networking.EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES, (ahead-of-print), 1-20.Open Abstract
PLAZA, B., & HAARICH, S. N.2015The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao: Between regional embeddedness and global networking.EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES, 23(8), 1456-1475.Open Abstract
PLAZA, B., GONZÁLEZ-CASIMIRO, P., MORAL-ZUAZO, P., & WALDRON, C. 2015Culture-led city brands as economic engines: theory and empirics.ANNALS OF REGIONAL SCIENCE, 54(1), 179-196.Open Abstract
PLAZA, BEATRIZ1999The Guggenheim‐Bilbao Museum Effect: A Reply to María V. Gomez’‘Reflective Images: The Case of Urban Regeneration in Glasgow and Bilbao’.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH 23 (3): 589-592Open Abstract
PLAZA, BEATRIZ2000Evaluating the influence of a large cultural artifact in the attraction of tourism: The Guggenheim Museum Case.URBAN AFFAIRS REVIEW 36 (2): 264-274Open Abstract
PLAZA, BEATRIZ2007The Bilbao Effect.MUSEUM NEWS, Sept/Oct 2007, pp. 13-15, 68. American Association of Museums. Open Abstract
PLAZA, BEATRIZ2006The return on investment of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH, 30(2): 452-67.Open Abstract
PLAZA, BEATRIZ2008On Some Challenges and Conditions for the Guggenheim to be an Effective Economic Re-activator.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH, 32(2): 506–517.Open Abstract
PLÖGER, JÖRG2007Bilbao. City Report.CASE [Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion]. An ESRC Research Centre. London School of Economics.Open Abstract
PRYTHERCH DL, HUNTOON L2005Entrepreneurial regionalist planning in a rescaled Spain: The cases Bilbao and Valencia.GEOJOURNAL 62: 41–50.Open Abstract
RODRIGUEZ A, MARTINEZ E, GUENAGA G2001Uneven redevelopment - New urban policies and socio-spatial fragmentation in metropolitan BilbaoEUROPEAN URBAN AND REGIONAL STUDIES 8 (2): 161-178Open Abstract
RODRIGUEZ A, VICARIO L2005Innovación, Competitividad y Regeneración Urbana: los espacios retóricos de la "ciudad creativa" en el nuevo Bilbao.EKONOMIAZ 58: 262-295.Open Abstract
RODRIGUEZ, ARANTXA2002Reinventar la ciudad: Milagros y espejismos de la revitalización urbana en Bilbao. LAN HARREMANAK 6:69-108.Open Abstract
SIEMIATYCKI, M2006Return to the Rails: The Motivations for Building a Modern Tramway in Bilbao Spain.OXFORD UNIVERSITY: GEOGRAPHY RESEARCH PAPER SERIES.Open Abstract
SIEMIATYCKI, M2005Beyond Moving People: Excavating the Motivations for Investing in Urban Public Transit Infrastructure in Bilbao Spain.EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES 13 (1): 23-44Open Abstract
STOILAS, HELEN2006Basques will not recoup Guggenheim investments until 2010.THE ART NEWSPAPER Issue 172, 1.9.2006.Open Abstract
VICARIO L, MARTINEZ MONJE, M2004Another "Guggenheim Effect": Central City Projects and Gentrification in Bilbao.ATKINSON, BRIDGE EDS (2004): Gentrification in a Global Context: The New Urban Colonialism. Routledge.Open Abstract
VICARIO L, MONJE PMM2003Another 'Guggenheim effect'? The generation of a potentially gentrifiable neighbourhood in BilbaoURBAN STUDIES 40 (12): 2383-2400Open Abstract
ZULAIKA, JOSEBA2004In love with Puppy: Flowers, architecture, art, and the art of irony.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IBERIAN STUDIES, 16(3): 145–158.Open Abstract
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