| Author | | | Year | | | Title | | | Source | |
BEGG, IAN | 2002 | 'Investibiltiy': The key to competitive regions and cities? | REGIONAL STUDIES 36 (2): 187-193. | Open Abstract |
BOLLING M and MIJAJLOVIC M | 2007 | Olympic Soul Searching: A look into Chicago’s Olympic City Image Potential for 2016. | Göteborg University: Graduate Business School. Master Thesis No. 2007:30 | Open Abstract |
BONET, GARCÍA CANCLINI, MACCANNELL, MARTÍNEZ CEARRA, FREY, GUILBAUT, LACARRIEU, LAHUERTA …TRESSERRAS | 2006 | Noves polítiques per al turisme cultural: reptes, ruptures, respostes. | NEXUS: 35. Fundació Caixa Catalunya. Revista semestral de cultura Hivern 2005-2006 | Open Abstract |
BRAUN E, ESHUIS J AND KLIJN EH | 2014 | The effectiveness of place brand communication. | CITIES, 41, 64-70. | Open Abstract |
CAMERON S, COAFFEE, J | 2005 | Art, Gentrification and Regeneration: From Artist as Pioneer to Public Arts. | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HOUSING POLICY, 5(1):39–58. | Open Abstract |
CAREY S, DAVIDSON L AND SAHLI M | 2013 | Capital city museums and tourism flows: An empirical study of the museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM RESEARCH, 15(6), 554-569. | Open Abstract |
COLBERT F and ST‐JAMES Y | 2014 | Research in Arts Marketing: Evolution and Future Directions. | PSYCHOLOGY & MARKETING, 31(8), 566-575. | Open Abstract |
DEFFNER A, METAXAS T | 2006 | The Interrelationship of Urban Economic and Cultural Development: The Case of Greek Museums. | University of Thessaly, Department of Planning and Regional Development: Discussion Paper Series, 12(4): 57-82. | Open Abstract |
DEFFNER, AM, ABRIANIDIS, L | 2005 | Planning Culture and Time in a Mega-event:
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DÍAZ, A A | 2007 | En torno a la mercadotecnia urbana: Reorganización y reimaginación de la ciudad. | REVISTA BIBLIOGRÁFICA DE GEOGRAFÍA Y CIENCIAS SOCIALES. nº 712 | Open Abstract |
DOUCET, B | 2007 | Flagship Regeneration: panacea or urban problem? | Paper presented to: EURA Conference “The Vital City” 12-14 September, 2007, Glasgow, Scotland.
| Open Abstract |
EVANS G, SHAW, P | 2004 | The contribution of culture to regeneration in the UK: A review of evidence. | A report to the Department for Culture Media and Sport. | Open Abstract |
EVANS, GRAEME | 2003 | Hard-branding the cultural city - From prado to prada. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH 27 (2): 417-440. | Open Abstract |
EVANS, GRAEME | 2005 | Measure for measure: Evaluating the evidence of culture's contribution to regeneration. | URBAN STUDIES 42 (5-6): 959-983. | Open Abstract |
GARCIA, BEATRIZ | 2004 | Cultural Policy and Urban Regeneration in Western European Cities: Lessons from Experience, Prospects for the Future. | LOCAL ECONOMY 19 (4): 312–326. | Open Abstract |
GOSPODINI, ASPA | 2001 | Urban Design, Urban Space Morphology, Urban Tourism: An Emerging New Paradigm Concerning Their Relationship. | EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES 9 (7): 925-934 | Open Abstract |
GOSPODINI, ASPA | 2001 | Urban waterfront redevelopment in Greek cities - A framework for redesigning space. | CITIES 18 (5): 285-295. | Open Abstract |
GOSPODINI, ASPA | 2002 | European Cities in Competition and the New ‘Uses’ of Urban Design. | JOURNAL OF URBAN DESIGN, 7(1): 59–73. | Open Abstract |
HAKHEE KIM | 2007 | The Creative Economy and Urban Art Clusters: Locational Characteristics of Art Galleries in Seoul. | JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY 42(2): 258-279. | Open Abstract |
HAMNETT C , SHOVAL N | 2003 | 'Museums as 'Flagships' of Urban Development', in L. M. Hoffman, D. Judd and S. S. Fainstein (eds.), Cities and Visitors: Regulating People, Markets, and City Space. | Oxford: Blackwell. | Open Abstract |
HANNIGAN, J | 2002 | Culture, Globalization, and Social Cohesion: Towards a De-territorialized, Global Fluids Model. | CANADIAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION 27(2). | Open Abstract |
HEIDENREICH M | 2013 | The New Museum Folkwang in Essen. A Contribution to the Cultural and Economic Regeneration of the Ruhr Area? | EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES, (ahead-of-print), 1-19. | Open Abstract |
HEIDENREICH M and PLAZA, B | 2013 | Renewal through culture? The role of museums in the renewal of industrial regions in Europe. | EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES, (ahead-of-print), 1-15. | Open Abstract |
HERRERO LC, SANZ JA, DEVESA M, BEDATE A, DEL BARRIO JA | 2006 | The Economic Impact of Cultural Events: A Case-Study of Salamanca 2002, European Capital of Culture. | EUROPEAN URBAN AND REGIONAL STUDIES 13(1): 41-57. | Open Abstract |
HERRERO, LC | 2002 | La economía de la cultura en España: Una disciplina incipiente. | REVISTA ASTURIANA DE ECONOMIA 23: 147-175. | Open Abstract |
HUNTOON L, PRYTHERCH DL | 2005 | Entrepreneurial Regionalist Planning in a Rescaled Spain: The Cases of Bilbao and Valencia. | GEOJOURNAL 62: 41-50. | Open Abstract |
JANSEN-VERBEKE M, VANDENBROUCK | 2005 | Tourism in Brussels, Capital of the ‘New Europe’. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM RESEARCH, 7:109–122. | Open Abstract |
JENKINS, B. | 2005 | Toronto's Cultural Renaissance. | CANADIAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION 30(2). | Open Abstract |
KUNZMANN KLAUS R. | 2004 | Culture, creativity and spatial planning. | TOWN PLANNING REVIEW 75( 4): 383-404. | Open Abstract |
MARKUSEN, A. | 2014 | Creative cities: A 10‐year research agenda. | JOURNAL OF URBAN AFFAIRS, 36(s2), 567-589. | Open Abstract |
MARTINEZ, JILL | 2001 | Financing a Global Guggenheim Museum. | University of South Carolina: Thesis of Masters for the School of Art. | Open Abstract |
MILES, M | 2005 | Interruptions: Testing the rhetoric of culturally led urban development. | URBAN STUDIES 42 (5-6): 889-911. | Open Abstract |
MORAL P, GONZALEZ P and PLAZA B. | 2014 | Methodologies for monitoring website performance: assessing the effectiveness of AdWords campaigns on a tourist SME website. | ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW, 38(4). | Open Abstract |
PLAZA, B | 2009 | Monitoring web traffic source effectiveness with Google Analytics: An experiment with time series. | ASLIB PROCEEDINGS 61(5), 474-482. | Open Abstract |
PLAZA, B | 2010 | Google Analytics: Intelligence for Information Professionals. | ONLINE (Wilton, Connecticut), 34(5): 33-37. | Open Abstract |
PLAZA, B | 2006 | Helsinki voi oppia Bilbaon kokemuksista. | HELSINGIN SANOMAT. 11.8.2006 | Open Abstract |
PLAZA, B, HAARICH, SN and WALDRON, CM | 2013 | Picasso's Guernica: The strength of an art brand in destination e-branding. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARTS MANAGEMENT, 15(3), 53-64. | Open Abstract |
PLAZA, B. | 2012 | Google Analytics: Tips for micro-firms. | SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND ESSAYS, 7(33), 2913-2926. | Open Abstract |
PLAZA, B., ARANBURU, I., & ESTEBAN, M. | 2021 | Superstar Museums and global media exposure: mapping the positioning of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao through networks. | EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES, 1-16. | Open Abstract |
RAUSELL, PAU | 2007 | Un museo: ¿Qué es desde la perspectiva económica y desde la lógica de acción pública? | Seminario Internacional sobre Economía Inducida por los Museos. Valencia 22-23 February 2007. | Open Abstract |
RAUSELL, PAU | 2007 | Museos y excelencia en las ciudades. | Seminario Internacional sobre Economía Inducida por los Museos. Valencia 22-23 February 2007. | Open Abstract |
RICHARDS G, WILSON J | 2001 | The impact of cultural events on city image: Rotterdam, cultural capital of Europe 2001. | URBAN STUDIES 41 (10): 1931-1951. | Open Abstract |
RICHARDS, G | 2001 | Cultural Attractions and European Tourism. | CABI Publishing. ISBN: 0851994407 | Open Abstract |
RICHARDS, G | 2014 | Creativity and tourism in the city. | CURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM, 17(2), 119-144. | Open Abstract |
SHARP J, POLLOCK V, PADDISON R | 2005 | Just art for a just city: Public art and social inclusion in urban regeneration. | URBAN STUDIES 42 (5-6): 1001-1023 | Open Abstract |
SMITH, ANDREW | 2005 | Conceptualizing City Image Change: The
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STROM, ELIZABETH | 2003 | Cultural Policy as Development Policy: Evidence from the United States. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CULTURAL POLICY, 9(3):247–263. | Open Abstract |
STROM, ELIZABETH | 2001 | Strengthening Communities Through Culture. | Americans for the Arts: Center for Arts & Culture | Open Abstract |
SWYNGEDOUW E, MOULAERT F, RODRIGUEZ A | 2002 | Neoliberal urbanization in Europe: Large-scale urban development projects and the New Urban Policy. | ANTIPODE 34 (3): 542-577 | Open Abstract |
TICKELL, ADAM | 2001 | Progress in the geography of services - II: services, the state and the rearticulation of capitalism | PROGRESS IN HUMAN GEOGRAPHY 25 (2): 283-292. | Open Abstract |
TRIEBEL, ANNETTE | 2006 | Museos de arte contemporáneo en España y su funcionalidad turística. | Thesis of "Masters of Arts European Tourism Management. Bournemouth University. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Madrid. | Open Abstract |
TZU HAN CHEN | 2008 | Comparison of Tourism Developments in Tainan and Kaohsiung. | Thesis. Taiwan. | Open Abstract |
ZALLO, R | 1995 | Por una nueva cultura de las politicas culturales. | Bilbao: Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del Pais Vasco. | Open Abstract |