Scholars on Bilbao


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List of articles that restrict their focus to Bilbao
List of articles that cite, in their broader topic, the case of Bilbao
BEGG, IAN2002'Investibiltiy': The key to competitive regions and cities?REGIONAL STUDIES 36 (2): 187-193.Open Abstract
BOLLING M and MIJAJLOVIC M2007Olympic Soul Searching: A look into Chicago’s Olympic City Image Potential for 2016.Göteborg University: Graduate Business School. Master Thesis No. 2007:30Open Abstract
BONET, GARCÍA CANCLINI, MACCANNELL, MARTÍNEZ CEARRA, FREY, GUILBAUT, LACARRIEU, LAHUERTA …TRESSERRAS2006Noves polítiques per al turisme cultural: reptes, ruptures, respostes.NEXUS: 35. Fundació Caixa Catalunya. Revista semestral de cultura Hivern 2005-2006Open Abstract
BRAUN E, ESHUIS J AND KLIJN EH 2014The effectiveness of place brand communication.CITIES, 41, 64-70.Open Abstract
CAMERON S, COAFFEE, J2005Art, Gentrification and Regeneration: From Artist as Pioneer to Public Arts.EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HOUSING POLICY, 5(1):39–58.Open Abstract
CAREY S, DAVIDSON L AND SAHLI M 2013Capital city museums and tourism flows: An empirical study of the museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM RESEARCH, 15(6), 554-569.Open Abstract
COLBERT F and ST‐JAMES Y 2014Research in Arts Marketing: Evolution and Future Directions. PSYCHOLOGY & MARKETING, 31(8), 566-575.Open Abstract
DEFFNER A, METAXAS T2006The Interrelationship of Urban Economic and Cultural Development: The Case of Greek Museums.University of Thessaly, Department of Planning and Regional Development: Discussion Paper Series, 12(4): 57-82.Open Abstract
DEFFNER, AM, ABRIANIDIS, L2005Planning Culture and Time in a Mega-event: Thessaloniki as the European City of Culture in 1997.INTERNATIONAL PLANNING STUDIES, 10(3–4): 241–264.Open Abstract
DÍAZ, A A2007En torno a la mercadotecnia urbana: Reorganización y reimaginación de la ciudad.REVISTA BIBLIOGRÁFICA DE GEOGRAFÍA Y CIENCIAS SOCIALES. nº 712Open Abstract
DOUCET, B2007Flagship Regeneration: panacea or urban problem?Paper presented to: EURA Conference “The Vital City” 12-14 September, 2007, Glasgow, Scotland. Open Abstract
EVANS G, SHAW, P2004The contribution of culture to regeneration in the UK: A review of evidence.A report to the Department for Culture Media and Sport.Open Abstract
EVANS, GRAEME2003Hard-branding the cultural city - From prado to prada.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH 27 (2): 417-440.Open Abstract
EVANS, GRAEME2005Measure for measure: Evaluating the evidence of culture's contribution to regeneration.URBAN STUDIES 42 (5-6): 959-983.Open Abstract
GARCIA, BEATRIZ2004Cultural Policy and Urban Regeneration in Western European Cities: Lessons from Experience, Prospects for the Future.LOCAL ECONOMY 19 (4): 312–326.Open Abstract
GOSPODINI, ASPA2001Urban Design, Urban Space Morphology, Urban Tourism: An Emerging New Paradigm Concerning Their Relationship.EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES 9 (7): 925-934Open Abstract
GOSPODINI, ASPA2001Urban waterfront redevelopment in Greek cities - A framework for redesigning space.CITIES 18 (5): 285-295.Open Abstract
GOSPODINI, ASPA2002European Cities in Competition and the New ‘Uses’ of Urban Design.JOURNAL OF URBAN DESIGN, 7(1): 59–73.Open Abstract
HAKHEE KIM2007The Creative Economy and Urban Art Clusters: Locational Characteristics of Art Galleries in Seoul.JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY 42(2): 258-279.Open Abstract
HAMNETT C , SHOVAL N2003'Museums as 'Flagships' of Urban Development', in L. M. Hoffman, D. Judd and S. S. Fainstein (eds.), Cities and Visitors: Regulating People, Markets, and City Space.Oxford: Blackwell.Open Abstract
HANNIGAN, J2002Culture, Globalization, and Social Cohesion: Towards a De-territorialized, Global Fluids Model.CANADIAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION 27(2).Open Abstract
HEIDENREICH M 2013The New Museum Folkwang in Essen. A Contribution to the Cultural and Economic Regeneration of the Ruhr Area?EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES, (ahead-of-print), 1-19.Open Abstract
HEIDENREICH M and PLAZA, B 2013Renewal through culture? The role of museums in the renewal of industrial regions in Europe.EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES, (ahead-of-print), 1-15.Open Abstract
HERRERO LC, SANZ JA, DEVESA M, BEDATE A, DEL BARRIO JA2006The Economic Impact of Cultural Events: A Case-Study of Salamanca 2002, European Capital of Culture.EUROPEAN URBAN AND REGIONAL STUDIES 13(1): 41-57.Open Abstract
HERRERO, LC2002La economía de la cultura en España: Una disciplina incipiente.REVISTA ASTURIANA DE ECONOMIA 23: 147-175.Open Abstract
HUNTOON L, PRYTHERCH DL2005Entrepreneurial Regionalist Planning in a Rescaled Spain: The Cases of Bilbao and Valencia.GEOJOURNAL 62: 41-50.Open Abstract
JANSEN-VERBEKE M, VANDENBROUCK2005Tourism in Brussels, Capital of the ‘New Europe’.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM RESEARCH, 7:109–122.Open Abstract
JENKINS, B.2005Toronto's Cultural Renaissance.CANADIAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION 30(2).Open Abstract
KUNZMANN KLAUS R.2004Culture, creativity and spatial planning.TOWN PLANNING REVIEW 75( 4): 383-404.Open Abstract
MARKUSEN, A. 2014Creative cities: A 10‐year research agenda. JOURNAL OF URBAN AFFAIRS, 36(s2), 567-589.Open Abstract
MARTINEZ, JILL2001Financing a Global Guggenheim Museum.University of South Carolina: Thesis of Masters for the School of Art.Open Abstract
MILES, M2005Interruptions: Testing the rhetoric of culturally led urban development.URBAN STUDIES 42 (5-6): 889-911.Open Abstract
MORAL P, GONZALEZ P and PLAZA B.2014Methodologies for monitoring website performance: assessing the effectiveness of AdWords campaigns on a tourist SME website.ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW, 38(4).Open Abstract
PLAZA, B2009Monitoring web traffic source effectiveness with Google Analytics: An experiment with time series.ASLIB PROCEEDINGS 61(5), 474-482.Open Abstract
PLAZA, B2010Google Analytics: Intelligence for Information Professionals.ONLINE (Wilton, Connecticut), 34(5): 33-37.Open Abstract
PLAZA, B2006Helsinki voi oppia Bilbaon kokemuksista.HELSINGIN SANOMAT. 11.8.2006Open Abstract
PLAZA, B, HAARICH, SN and WALDRON, CM 2013Picasso's Guernica: The strength of an art brand in destination e-branding.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARTS MANAGEMENT, 15(3), 53-64.Open Abstract
PLAZA, B. 2012Google Analytics: Tips for micro-firms.SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND ESSAYS, 7(33), 2913-2926.Open Abstract
PLAZA, B., ARANBURU, I., & ESTEBAN, M. 2021Superstar Museums and global media exposure: mapping the positioning of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao through networks.EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES, 1-16.Open Abstract
RAUSELL, PAU2007Un museo: ¿Qué es desde la perspectiva económica y desde la lógica de acción pública?Seminario Internacional sobre Economía Inducida por los Museos. Valencia 22-23 February 2007.Open Abstract
RAUSELL, PAU2007Museos y excelencia en las ciudades.Seminario Internacional sobre Economía Inducida por los Museos. Valencia 22-23 February 2007.Open Abstract
RICHARDS G, WILSON J2001The impact of cultural events on city image: Rotterdam, cultural capital of Europe 2001.URBAN STUDIES 41 (10): 1931-1951.Open Abstract
RICHARDS, G2001Cultural Attractions and European Tourism.CABI Publishing. ISBN: 0851994407Open Abstract
RICHARDS, G 2014Creativity and tourism in the city.CURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM, 17(2), 119-144.Open Abstract
SHARP J, POLLOCK V, PADDISON R2005Just art for a just city: Public art and social inclusion in urban regeneration.URBAN STUDIES 42 (5-6): 1001-1023Open Abstract
SMITH, ANDREW2005Conceptualizing City Image Change: The ‘Re-Imaging’ of Barcelona.TOURISM GEOGRAPHIES, 7(4): 398–423.Open Abstract
STROM, ELIZABETH2003Cultural Policy as Development Policy: Evidence from the United States.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CULTURAL POLICY, 9(3):247–263.Open Abstract
STROM, ELIZABETH2001Strengthening Communities Through Culture.Americans for the Arts: Center for Arts & CultureOpen Abstract
SWYNGEDOUW E, MOULAERT F, RODRIGUEZ A2002Neoliberal urbanization in Europe: Large-scale urban development projects and the New Urban Policy.ANTIPODE 34 (3): 542-577Open Abstract
TICKELL, ADAM2001Progress in the geography of services - II: services, the state and the rearticulation of capitalism PROGRESS IN HUMAN GEOGRAPHY 25 (2): 283-292.Open Abstract
TRIEBEL, ANNETTE2006Museos de arte contemporáneo en España y su funcionalidad turística.Thesis of "Masters of Arts European Tourism Management. Bournemouth University. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Madrid.Open Abstract
TZU HAN CHEN2008Comparison of Tourism Developments in Tainan and Kaohsiung.Thesis. Taiwan.Open Abstract
ZALLO, R1995Por una nueva cultura de las politicas culturales.Bilbao: Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del Pais Vasco.Open Abstract
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