Scholars on Bilbao

Articles that cite, in their broader topic, the case of Bilbao


Olympic Soul Searching: A look into Chicago’s Olympic City Image Potential for 2016.

Göteborg University: Graduate Business School. Master Thesis No. 2007:30

ABSTRACT: This study investigates what the Olympics could bring to the Chicago community, along with what Chicago could bring to the Olympic Movement. Particular attention is dedicated to popular culture, our area of interest, which has minimal Olympic research associated to it. Past Olympic Cities possess a plethora of characteristics unique only to them, but also hold Olympic legacy requirements. As a 2016 applicant city, Chicago must look deeply into its current image, along with how it fits an Olympic City image, in order to evaluate its potential in finding its Olympic soul. The research method concentrates on desk studies and expert interviews involving the Olympics, the city of Chicago and destination image. The interviewees include individuals within organizations that play a pivotal role in formulating Chicago‘s image, either directly or indirectly, and its 2016 Olympic possibility. Upon completion of an Olympic City Model and a current Chicago Image Portrayal Model, results indicate that Chicago has the necessary steps and requirements in place and could be ready for hosting the 2016 Olympics, adding its own distinctive touch to the Olympic legacy.

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